Buccal Fat Frequently Asked Questions.
Buccal Fat Pad Excision FAQ’s
What is the buccal fat pad?
The Buccal (pronounced ‘buckle’) fat pad is a naturally occurring area of fat in
the middle of the cheek. The fat pads are supposed to be there and act as a
cushion for the teeth and jaw. They also store baby fat in the cheeks and
contribute to the “chubby baby face” we see in young children. Typically, with
the onset of puberty, these fat pads become smaller. In some patients, these fat
pads persist into adulthood.
What is buccal fat pad excision?
Buccal fat pad excision is a surgical procedure in which a small incision is made
inside the mouth, on the cheek, and the buccal fat pad dissected free and mostly
removed. The incision is closed with a few dissolving stitches. The surgery reduces
the “chubbiness” of the cheeks and any convex appearance of the outer cheek.
Occasionally, the inside of the cheek also has a convex appearance and this is
improved with the surgery. The surgery also brings out the natural appearance of the
cheek bones and helps define the jaw.
Who is a good candidate for buccal fat pad excision?
Anyone who feels they have chubby cheeks or a “baby face” could be a good
candidate for buccal fat pad excision. Patients with a convex appearance of the
cheek typically see the most significant improvement in facial contour.
What is involved in the consultation?
The consultation begins by talking about a patient’s goals and reviewing medical
history. Once it is confirmed that these goals can be achieved by buccal fat pad
excision, the cheeks and the inside of the mouth are examined. Following this,
surgery and recovery are discussed. Photographs are taken.
How is the surgery done?
The surgery is done in an operating room. Patients can elect to have general
anesthesia (going to sleep) or can have local anesthesia with, or without,
sedation. A small incision is made on the inside of the cheek, inside the mouth,
and deepened to the level of the buccal fat. The fat is carefully dissected out
and removed. The incision is then closed with dissolving stitches.
What kind of anesthesia is used?
Anesthesia can be general (going to sleep) or with local anesthesia with, or
without, sedation, depending on patient preference.
What kind of stitches are used?
Stitches are dissolving.
How quickly are results seen?
Initial results are seen immediately post-surgery. There is some swelling
immediately post-surgery that reduces over the next several weeks while results
continue to improve. Final results are usually seen by about the 3-6 month
What should you expect post-surgery?
Patients see an immediate improvement in facial contour. Post-surgery, there is
a small amount of discomfort experienced by patients. Over-the-counter and
prescription pain medications are usually more than enough to manage this.
There will be a some swelling and inflammation in the cheeks and around the
incision. There may be a small amount of bruising. Over the course of the next
several weeks, the post-operative swelling slowly comes down and final results
are seen around the 3-6 month mark.
What is recovery time?
The recovery from surgery takes about 7-10 days. Results are seen immediately,
but continue to improve over the next 3-6 months as swelling and inflammation
Are results permanent?
The results are permanent. The buccal fat pad does not regrow. If patients gain
a significant amount of weight in the face, the results of the surgery may no
longer be as apparent as they once were. Return of weight to what it was
around the time of surgery usually remedies this.
What can I eat after surgery?
Generally, crunchy, or very chewy foods are not advisable for a couple of weeks
post-surgery. Food does not need to puréed in a blender prior to eating, but the
food should not contain anything that could be sharp and poke the incision.
Overly acidic foods are also not advisable during this time. Multiple times per
day, especially after eating or drinking anything, an alcohol-based mouthwash
should be used to rinse the mouth. If possible, sleeping with you head elevated
is helpful.
What are the benefits of buccal fat pad excision?
Buccal fat pad excision has multiple benefits including: improved facial contours;
increased self-confidence; enhanced facial appearance and facial contours; and a
rejuvenated facial shape. The procedure results in a permanent improvement
and there are no external scars.
What are the risks of buccal fat pad excision?
When performed by an experienced surgeon, the risks of this procedure are low.
Dr. Chitte will have a complete discussion with you regarding the risks of this
procedure. Risks of buccal fat pad excision include: bleeding; infection; fluid or
blood accumulation; salivary duct or gland injury; numbness and facial nerve
injury; and asymmetric facial appearance. There is a small chance that you will
not be happy with the results.
Can you get rid of buccal fat with diet and exercise?
The presence of buccal fat in adulthood can usually be caused by two factors:
overall weight and genetics. For those patients who have higher body mass,
weight loss may help the appearance of the buccal fat pads a small amount. For
those patients who have a genetic cause for their buccal fat, diet and exercise
does not change the appearance of the buccal fat. Typically, excision of the
buccal fat gives the most predictable, effective results.
What should I do before surgery?
In the pre-operative discussion, Dr. Chitte and his team will go over all the
information that you will need to know. This will include information regarding
any pre-operative medications required, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, post-
operative instructions and follow up appointments.
How much does buccal fat pad excision cost?
The cost of any procedure depends on many factors including the surgeon
completing the procedure, where it is performed as well as other factors. Dr. Chitte
will discuss these with you at your consultation.